Monday, May 18, 2009

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Have You Ever Been Knocked Out By Love?

Well I thought I had it all in the bag and under control, until one day a man, A Real Man, crossed my path; and I haven't thought straight ever since. So when you think that it is over, and there is no one else in this world for you; a day will come when the right man will cross your path, and the intense love that you feel in the pit of your stomach, will knock you down. And I don't think Keri Hilson could have said it any better. So, the song of the Month is:

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summer is Coming!!!

Is your Love Life Dry?
You be the judge, and let me know!!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ears Tired?????

Tired of your spouse nagging you? Just want to vent out
your problems? Let me know what's on your mind!!!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tired? Need a Break?

Hey! Are you tired of working your fingers and feet to the Bone?

Need to Get out of the house and smell some real fresh air?

Well I have just the thing you need, to get you going in the right direction!